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Faith into Action: a Study Guide for Christian Peacemakers

Faith into Action: a Study Guide for Christian Peacemakers


Faith into Action: a Study Guide for Christian Peacemakers” was written for the N.C. Yearly Meeting Peace Committee by Mack Arrington, Clark Harper, Seth Hinshaw, Samuel Levering, Phyllis Noah, Jeff Sebens and Marietta Wright. The 13-week Sunday school lesson was completed in February 1985. It is the Peace Committee's belief that all Christians are called to be peacemakers and that in our atomic age, this call could not be more important. The lesson seeks to discover the common bonds that unite us all in the goals of peacemaking and to study the Biblical basis for such action. The lesson generally speaks to the level of Quaker adults and can be used in any of their classes.

  • Authors

    Mack Arrington, Clark Harper, Seth Hinshaw, Samuel Levering, Phyllis Noah, Jeff Sebens, and Marietta Wright

  • Genre

    Non-fiction, Devotional, 

  • Publication Date


  • Publisher

    Friends Church of North Carolina

  • Print Length

    44 pages

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