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Life in the Quaker Lane: An Autobiography

Life in the Quaker Lane: An Autobiography

SKU: 0-942-585-16-X

This autobiography covers an important era in Quaker history, as well as in world affairs. It begins on an old-fashioned farm and extends into the amazing developments of the present day. The purpose of this book is to review the years in such a way as to the many people with whom he has lived and worked. A great many of the incidents recounted have a touch of humor. These add much to the reader’s pleasure, without detracting from the lasting value of the narrative. In reality, this autobiography is far more than a simple life story. It is a rich insight into the activities and programs of North Carolina Friends during a major part of this century. The index furnishes a valuable listing of people who have been active in recent years. This book would be a helpful resource for inquiring Quakers.

  • Author

    Seth B. Hinshaw

  • Genre

    Non-fiction, Autobiography

  • Publication Date


  • Publisher

    North Carolina Friends Historical Society, Friends Church of North Carolina

  • Print Length

    226 pages

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