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“NC USFW is an organization / society for women who want to experience joy as they work together to meet the needs of others. Whether it’s sewing a quilt for FEMAP, cooking a meal for VBS, or giving money to support our missions, NC USFW provides a way to serve in faith and love.” – Janet Robbins, President


Who We Are

We are an enthusiastic group of Christian women who typically meet monthly in local churches/Quaker meetings/homes to build friendships, share lessons from a USFW International program study book called “Blueprints” and support local to global missions. We support USFW International which holds meetings every three years in Triennial Sessions where you have an opportunity to attend and hear even more about global Quaker mission work if you are interested.


We are an organization that has been in existence since 1881. Founded by a Quaker born in North Carolina, Elizabeth Clark Armstrong Cox, we strive to uplift one another as we work to help those who are less fortunate and in need.


We hold annual statewide meetings in the spring at Quaker Lake Camp and in the fall at one of our Friends churches/meetings. At these meetings, we listen to dynamic speakers share their local, national, and/or international experiences in Christian service. They enlighten and inspire us to give back to our communities and help serve mankind. Each meeting provides ample time for food and fellowship, as we enjoy each other’s company. In the spring, we learn about the exciting things happening at Quaker Lake and find out the names of our students who have received scholarships that are funded by the Eliza Armstrong Cox Scholarship fund. Students are selected based on acceptance by a college after successfully completing secondary education. The candidate shall also be a participating member of a meeting that actively participates in NC USFW. 


         (Applications are due by March 15 each year!)

Eliza Armstrong Cox Scholarship Fund - Application

Eliza Armstrong Cox Scholarship Fund - Full Guidelines

Eliza Armstrong Cox Scholarship Fund - Application Renewal


In the fall, we install new officers for NC USFW and honor those who have been selected by the local societies for outstanding service as Eliza Armstrong Cox Fellowship members.  At each meeting, books from the reading list, our Blueprints program booklet, and items made by FEMAP volunteers are available for purchase.


We invite you to join us! If you are 18 and older and are looking for a place to get connected/involved with other Christian women, please check us out.


Our Mission

The purpose of the NC USFW is to invite and unite all Friends women in Christian fellowship and service, to share in the mission of the church at home and abroad, to stimulate spiritual development , to cultivate Christian stewardship, to assist in the nurture of the missionary spirit among Friends, and to foster missionary education in the membership of the Meeting, including youth and children.


Our Projects

Each year our Greensheet Projects list is published in coordination with USFWI to support missions in the U.S. and other countries as well as mission work by Friends Disaster Service. We are very supportive of Quaker Lake Camp and Friends Emergency Materials Assistance Program (FEMAP) as well as other needs through special offerings. Scholarships are also awarded each year through the Eliza Armstrong Cox Fellowship Fund. Local groups/circles will respond to local needs as well.


Our Impact

God has gifted each of us with spiritual gifts and talents. When we use these gifts and volunteer our time, we impact the lives of others in a way that honors God and impacts eternity.  At the local level, we may work with young children in Bible school or we may volunteer at a local food pantry. At the international level, we may give money to support our Friends missionaries or help with medical needs at Lugulu Hospital for the Adopt-a-Bed program. Our support has provided food for children in Belize; start-up money for women entrepreneurs in Africa; education for girls in Kenya and children in Ramallah and Belize; support for pastors in Jamaica, Belize and Kenya; funding for Native American Friends Centers in Oklahoma, Iowa, and Alabama; peace initiatives in Kenya and Cuba and a play center for refugee children in Palestine.


You may ask, “Why would I want to be a part of the NC USFW and USFWI?” If you enjoy fellowship and making a difference in someone else’s life, if you enjoy hearing about ways you can contribute to make our world a better place to live, then join us and you will be blessed more than you can imagine.


Our Resources


Our Officers

NC USFW officers include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as Secretaries for the following groups:


  • Adult Missionary Education

  • Children and Youth Missionary Education

  • Literature, Christian Service

  • Peace and Christian Social Concerns

  • Stewardship

  • History and Records

  • Scholarship and Carolina Woman Editor.


Donate Here

Printable Deposit Form for mailing in contributions or

you can Donate through the link below. (not active yet)


If you would like to contribute financially to help support those in need, please

donate here Online (not active yet)

100% of proceeds will go to mission programs. (Money sent to Friends United Meeting does require a 5% wiring fee.)



For more information, please call Janet Robbins.



President  –  Sherry Hylton
Vice President / President Elect  –  Debbie Allen
Recording Secretary  –  Lindsay Shore Wright
Treasurer – Alicia Sharp
Adult and Missionary Service – Edith Shepherd
Children and Youth – Pat Core
Literature – Sarah Cox
Stewardship – Joy Britt Reavis
Christian Service – Judy Craven
Peace and Social Concerns – Linda Kersey
Historian – Mary Anna McCullen
Scholarship – Bennie Burton
Carolina Women Editor – Rausie Hobson



(our representatives)


Advocate Subscription Manager – Etta Florence Wrenn Winslow
Literature and Reading Course Secretary – Jan Dough
Treasurer  –  Alicia Sharp

Asst, Treasurer - Rita Mintmier

Children and Youth - Rita Mintmier




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